Kardex Mlog honored as volunteer-friendly employer
1 February 2023, Company News
On January 12, in the course of an official ceremony in Untergruppenbach, near the city of Heilbronn, Thomas Strobl, Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg, honored Kardex Mlog as a volunteer-friendly employer for civil protection. Hans Jürgen Heitzer, Head of Division Kardex Mlog, accepted the certificate from the Minister. “Social engagement is an important part of our corporate culture and we are proud of our employees and are happy to support them in their voluntary endeavors. This is a matter of course for us so we are all the more pleased to receive this award”, said Heitzer.
The award recognizes the fact that Kardex Mlog has, “from the very beginning, supported the voluntary engagement of its employees in the fire service and in support organizations, and also in the THW Federal Agency,” as explained by the Interior Ministry. Not only are employees released immediately for ad hoc engagements as part of non-police communal threat prevention; they are also made available for regional engagements such as the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley, deployment in test centers as part of the efforts to combat the pandemic, and for international engagements providing emergency support in the aftermath of disasters or major incidents. The same applies to participation in training courses, seminars, training activities and exercises.
About Kardex Mlog
Kardex Mlog, with head office in Neuenstadt am Kocher, is one of the leading suppliers of integrated material flow systems and high-bay warehouses.The company has more than 50 years of experience in the planning, implementation and maintenance of fully automated logistics solutions. The three business sectors - Greenfield installations, Refurbishment, and After sales service – draw upon its in-house manufacturing facility in Neuenstadt. Kardex Mlog is part of the Kardex Group and employs 305 people. In 2021 the company achieved revenues of €89 million.
For more information
MLOG Logistics GmbH
Wilhelm-Maybach-Straße 2
74196 Neuenstadt am Kocher
Tel.: +49 7139 / 4893-536
Fax: +49 7139 / 4893-99 536
E-mail: presse.mlog@kardex.com
Press Officer:
Tel.: +49 7139 / 4893-536